Sunday, April 12, 2009

Implementing NAP and NAC Security Technologies

Implementing NAP and NAC Security Technologies: The Complete Guide to Network Access Control

Prevent hacker exploits with this comprehensive implementation guide 

You're ready to see through the misconceptions and misinformation about NAP/NAC that might come your way. 

Here is an excellent resource for uncovering the actual vulnerabilities and exploits that the various NAP/NAC types can address. 

You'll find real-world hacking scenarios, along with complete implementation guidance for the right NAP/NAC solution. 

This guide will help you determine what type of solution makes the most sense, based upon the most prevalent risks in your environment. 

* Follow the actual steps hackers take to perform specific exploits 
* Determine which security solutions will stop the exploits from happening 
* Gain a strong understanding of the various NAP/NAC terms, standards, and organizations 
* Learn all about the standard components of any NAP/NAC solution 
* Analyze a security posture, set policies for device analysis, communicate to the device, and take action 

* Explore NAP and NAC solutions from different vendors, including Cisco(r) NAC, Microsoft(r) NAP, Mobile NAC, and Fiberlink Mobile NAC


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